How to Melt and Clean Beeswax Before Usage

how do bees make wax

How to Melt and Clean Beeswax Before Usage

Many think that the process of melting and cleaning beeswax is a headache — we’re going to debunk that myth in a few simple steps.

A Simple Sugar Water Recipe to Keep Bees Healthy

Sugar Water Recipe​ for Bees

Bees are usually quite good at taking care of themselves and getting food out in the wild all year round. When you keep bees, it falls to you to make sure your bees are properly fed and have all they need to stay out of trouble

This is especially important in the winter and early spring when plants aren’t in bloom. For your bees to stay in top shape, they need to have a stable supply of carbs to give them energy. Luckily, this is not so hard to provide. A bee sugar-water recipe is a solution that can sustain bees more than you may realize.

What Are Mason Bees and How Can You Help Them?

mason bees

Everything You Need to Know About Mason Bees

In the recent bee crisis (or bee apocalypse, as some call it) everyone focused their attention on honeybees. While it was great to see the world unite and campaign in favor of the bees, most people campaigned for the wrong species. Honeybees were never in trouble, but mason bees were.

Do Honey Bees Sting?

Do Honey bees Sting

Do Honey Bees Sting?

Honeybees are perhaps the most commonplace bees on earth, but there is still an abundance of incorrect information about them out there. They have a reputation for being aggressive and territorial—and sometimes even deadly.

Bee Larvae: Appearance and Behavior

bee larvae

A Complete Guide to Bee Larvae

After hatching from the egg, the first stage a bee passes through on its way to adulthood is larval. In this article, I’ll cover all you need to know about bee larvae. Regardless of the species, every bee starts out his or her life as a larva.

You’ll discover what bee larvae look like and what they eat. I’ll tell you where bee larvae live, and how long they spend as larvae.

The Complete Anatomy of a Bee

bee anatomy

The Anatomy of a Bee​

As you watch these fascinating creatures flying around your garden, dipping in and out of the flowers, are you intrigued by them and want to know more? In this article, you’re going to learn the intricate details of bee anatomy.

Firstly, there are thousands of species of bee—an estimated 20,000. These insects are members of the Apocrita suborder in the Hymenoptera family. I’ll detail the general traits that the seven families of bees share, with a few exceptions.

Bee Swarms: Knowing When It’s Time to Keep Clear

bee swarm

A Complete Guide to Swarming Bees​

Swarming bees are a sight most of us don’t want ever want to encounter. If you’d like to arm yourself with information just in case it happens to you, this article will help. I will cover why bees swarm and what goes on when they do it.

You’ll also discover warning signs of a potential swarm to watch out for. Lastly, I’ll tell you if it’s possible to prevent a swarm from happening.

A Complete Guide to Bumblebee Nests

bumblebee nest

Everything You Need to Know About Bumblebee Nests

Who doesn’t find bumblebees and bumblebee nests fascinating? Often confused with the more popular honeybee, it’s actually not so difficult to tell them apart if you know what to look for. Bumblebees are chubbier, fuzzier, and have more vibrant fur. They also make less honey, and they can sting more than once.

What Do Bees Eat?

what do bees eat

What Do Bees Eat?

It’s easy to forget that insects need to eat—unless they’re mosquitos, in which case we are the food. It would seem that the feeding habits and diets of insects are extremely offbeat to ours. When you really look into it, though, you’ll see we’re not so different after all.

How Do Bees Make Honey?

how do bees make honey

How Do Bees Make Honey?

Honey is important to us for many reasons. The golden substance is used in traditional medicine to treat a range of ailments. It sweetens our drinks and foods. Are you curious about how bees make honey? Well, now you’re about to learn.

You’ll discover why bees make honey and what the creation process involves. I’ll tell you if all bees can produce it, or just certain types. You’ll also become familiar with what honey is made of, and the different variations.