Bumble Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

bumble bee

Bumble Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

Bumblebees are a favorite of the bee species. They’ve got a reputation for being less threatening (or frightening) than honeybees, and almost everyone thinks they’re cute. I guess when you’re fat and fuzzy, you can get away with anything.

How Do Bees Communicate?

how do bees communicate

How Do Bees Communicate?​

Although bees are very intelligent creatures, obviously they can’t speak. That bee we usually see in cartoons, buzzing words out, is far from reality. Bees have, however, other ways of communicating, and today we’re going to explore those methods.

How Long Do Queen Bees Live For?

How Long Do Queen Bees Live

How Long Do Queen Bees Live For?​

The lifespan of a queen bee is rather interesting. She’s the ruler of the colony. She’s also the one who lays the eggs and generally keeps order within the nest.

There are, however, many questions concerning the queen. Is she really that powerful? What happens when she grows old or if she suddenly dies? Let’s take a closer look into the life of a queen bee.

What Are Bees Attracted To?​

What Attracts Bees

What Attracts Bees?

Bees are an important part of our ecosystem. Because of their pollinating abilities, we’re provided with numerous fruits and vegetables that are essentials to our diets. Bees, however, can sometimes feel attracted to humans, or more precisely, our picnic baskets, but why is that?

Do Birds Eat Bees?

Do Birds Eat Bees

Do Birds Eat Bees?

It’s a well-known fact that birds eat insects, but, do they also feed on bees? There are actually a few bird species that do eat bees. However, it’s not an easy meal for them.

What Flowers Do Bees Like?

What Flowers Do Bees Like

Which Flowers Do Bees Like?​

Bees are often perceived as a summer annoyance—they swarm to your soda, fruit, or kids, leaving everyone scared of a sting. Although there’s some truth to this, bees have a very important job, namely pollinating. A world without bees would probably look very different from how it is now.

What Is the Pollination Process of a Bee?

Pollination Process of a Bee

What Is the Pollination Process of a Bee?​

Pollination is one of the most crucial parts of our ecosystem. There are many insects known to spread pollen, such as butterflies and flower beetles. Bees, however, are the insects that do the most pollinating, but what is the pollination process of a bee?

Bee Eggs: Appearance and Characteristics

bee eggs

A Complete Guide to Bee Eggs

Like any other insect, the life cycle of a bee begins with an egg. Every bee species, no matter if they’re eusocial or solitary, produces and lays eggs. The egg stage of development is over in a matter of days, when the bee inside undergoes its first transformation.

Mason Bee House Installation and Maintenance Guide

mason bee houses

Building and Maintaining a Mason Bee House​

Interest in mason bees has increased in the last few years, and more and more people have decided to manage them and keep a mason bee house. They are passive to the point that they are harmless, and they require very little attention from you.

Best Mason Bee Houses for Your Garden

best mason bee house

Best Mason Bee Houses​

Mason bees are not like honeybees—they’re a solitary species rather than social. However, they are great pollinators. Many farmers actually install a mason bee house to attract this hardworking bee, who gives back by pollinating their crops. If you have a garden full of vegetables and fruit trees, you could be the perfect landlord for a weary mason bee.