What Happens When the Queen Bee Dies?

What Happens When a Queen Bee Dies?​

In a beehive, everything revolves around the queen bee. She’s the most vital member of the entire colony because she’s the only fertile female. She’s not only the queen but the mother of all the bees.

Worker bees and drone bees serve different roles in the bee caste system. However, the queen bee is central in ruling over all of them. So, what happens when the queen bee – the most vital member of the colony – dies? There are different courses of action the colony will take, depending on how the queen died.

How Much Honey Does a Bee Make?

How Much Honey Do Bees Make?​

Looking at a beehive from the outside, we can never imagine the magic that’s happening on the inside. Bees work tirelessly to produce their homes and honey for them to consume. A beehive is a complete, high-quality honey factory with a colony full of fascinating and hard-working bees that together produce a surprisingly large amount of honey.

Royal Jelly vs Honey: What’s the Difference?

Honey vs Royal Jelly​

Both honey and royal jelly are known for their high nutritional value and multiple health benefits. Whereas honey has been consumed and used as a remedy for ages, royal jelly became popular only in the previous century.

Do Bees Have Knees?

Do Bees Have Knees?

The short answer is yes, they do have knees. The structure and function of their legs and knees require a much more complex answer, though.

Bees have segmented legs that are joined together by different joints. The biggest of these joints is the most comparable to a human knee. Technically speaking, this is considered the bee’s knees. 

Do Queen Bees Sting?

Do Queen Bees Have Stingers?​

Despite the fear of being stung by bees, not all of them can sting. Male bees are unable to sting, and only female bees sting. This means that both the queen and worker bees sting, but do queen bees sting just as the worker females? 

The Fear of Bees: A Guide to Apiphobia

Apiphobia and The Fear of Bees

For some people, bees are the stuff of nightmares. Most of us are fearful of something, but some fears prevent us from living a normal life. An example of such a limiting fear is apiphobia.

How to Get Rid of Honey Bees without Killing Them

How To Get Rid Of Bees Without Killing Them

Although bees are vital for the environment, it’s understandable to want to defend yourself from them. Even though bees only attack when provoked or if they’re defending their hive, there are ways you can get rid of honeybees. This is especially important if someone in your family has a bee allergy.

Since the honey bee population is declining fast, it’s important to take careful steps to remove them without killing them. 

At What Temperature Do Bees Cluster? Key Facts and Insights

bee swarm

At What Temperature Do Bees Cluster?

Bees are incredible creatures with fascinating behaviors, including their ability to form winter clusters when temperatures drop in colder months. Winter clusters are a critical survival mechanism for honey bees, allowing them to maintain warmth by gathering tightly together inside the beehive. But at what temperature do bees begin to cluster?

Do Honey Bees Like Mimosa Trees?

Do Honey Bees Like Mimosa Trees?

Honey bees play a crucial role in pollination, and plants such as the mimosa tree can attract and provide resources for these important pollinators. Mimosa trees are known for their distinct, fern-like leaves and showy, fragrant flowers which can bring an added aesthetic element to any landscape.

However, the question remains whether honey bees are attracted to mimosa trees and if these trees are a good source for honey production.

How Long Can a Bee Live Without Food?

How Long Can Bees Survive Without Food?

That buzzing sound you hear is burning calories. Bees are constantly using up their energy. It’s the primary reason they drop dead 6 weeks after they reach adulthood. They burn energy constantly, especially when foraging. Whilst in the hive, they need to keep the brood warm using their wing muscles to generate heat. Honeybees don’t hibernate so even during the winter, they are still burning those calories.