How Long Does It Take to Extract Honey?

The process of making honey begins with the honey bee, a tireless worker that spends its life collecting nectar from flowers. Once the bees have filled their hive with honey, it's time for beekeepers to step in and harvest the sweet, golden liquid. The time it takes to extract honey depends on various factors, including the hive’s size, the efficiency of the extraction method, and the beekeeper's experience.

On average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day to complete the honey extraction process.

The Time Required for Each Step

Hive Inspection and Frame Removal

The first step in honey extraction is inspecting the hive and determining if the honey is ready for harvest. Beekeepers look for frames with at least 80% of the cells capped with beeswax, indicating that the honey has reached the proper moisture content. The hive inspection process may take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the apiary and the number of hives to inspect.

Once the beekeeper determines that the honey is ready for extraction, they will carefully remove the frames from the hive. This process requires patience and skill to avoid disturbing the bees or damaging the frames. 

Some opt to remove frames, and others prefer to remove whole supers. Supers make it easier to transport frames, especially if you’re dealing with more than 10 hives full of honey. The time required will vary with the method used to remove the bees. A bee escape board needs a few hours to get the bees out. A fumigation board takes a few minutes to move the bees to a lower box. A leaf blower works faster but works best if you have help.

Frame removal typically takes 10-30 minutes per hive, depending on the beekeeper’s experience and the number of frames ready to harvest.

Uncapping the Honey

After removing the frames from the hive, the beekeeper must remove the wax seal from the honey-filled cells. This is done using an uncapping knife, fork, or roller to remove the thin layer of beeswax covering the honey. Some beekeepers use heated knives to melt the wax more efficiently. The uncapping process may take 30 minutes to an hour per frame, depending on the method used, the strength of the frame, and the beekeeper’s skill. Foundationless frames are weaker than wax drawn on foundation, so you may need to move slower and more carefully if you use foundationless frames.

Honey Extraction

Once the honeycombs are uncapped, the beekeeper can begin extracting the honey. The most common method is using a centrifugal honey extractor, which spins the frames and uses centrifugal force to separate the honey from the comb. This method is efficient and allows the beekeeper to reuse the combs. Depending on the size of the extractor and the number of frames, this process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours.

Alternatively, some beekeepers use the crush and strain method. This involves crushing the honeycomb and then straining the honey through a mesh filter to separate it from the wax. This method is more time-consuming. It can take several hours to complete, but it is also more affordable and accessible for small-scale beekeepers. The alternative is to use a honey press machine that squeezes the crushed comb for you. It’s a little faster than the crush and strain but does require that additional piece of equipment.

Filtering and Bottling

Once the honey is extracted, it’s time to filter out any remaining debris or wax. The filtering process may take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the amount of honey and the type of filter used. 

If you have a settling tank with a honey gate at the bottom, you can let the honey sit in it for a day or two before filtering it. Most of the debris will float to the surface. The honey will go through the sieve faster. Finally, the beekeeper will bottle the honey, which can take an additional 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of bottles to be filled.

Factors That Affect Honey Extraction Time

In addition to the steps involved in the honey extraction process, several factors can influence the amount of time it takes to extract honey from the hive to the jar. 

Beekeeper’s Experience and Skill

An experienced beekeeper will likely be more efficient, from inspecting the hive to bottling the final product. As a beekeeper gains more experience, they can develop techniques and strategies that streamline the extraction process, ultimately reducing the time required.

Size of the Apiary

Apiaries with more hives will naturally require more time for each stage of the extraction process, from inspection to bottling. Beekeepers with larger operations may need to invest in more efficient extraction equipment, such as centrifugal extractors with greater capacity, to manage the increased volume of honey.

Weather and Environmental Conditions

Weather and environmental conditions can also impact honey extraction time. For example, cold or damp conditions can make the honey more viscous, making it more challenging and time-consuming to extract and filter. On the other hand, warmer temperatures can cause the honey to flow more easily, speeding up the extraction process. Additionally, factors such as humidity and air pressure can influence the bees’ behavior, potentially affecting the readiness of the honey for extraction.

Extraction Equipment and Method

As mentioned earlier, the choice of extraction method and equipment can significantly affect the time it takes to extract honey. Using a centrifugal honey extractor is generally faster and more efficient than the crush and strain method, but it may also require a more considerable initial investment in equipment. Furthermore, the size and capacity of the extraction equipment can influence the extraction time, with larger extractors accommodating more frames at once and speeding up the process.

Condition of the Frames and Honeycombs

The condition of the frames and honeycombs can also impact the time it takes to extract honey. If the frames are damaged or the honeycombs are uneven, it may take longer to remove the frames from the hive, uncap the cells, and extract the honey. Ensuring the frames are well-maintained and properly installed in the hive can help reduce the time required for extraction.


The time it takes to extract honey varies based on several factors, including the beekeeper’s experience, the size of the apiary, and the chosen extraction method. On average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day to complete the extraction process from hive inspection to bottling the final product.

And, of course, things move much faster if you have help, so don’t be shy. Ask for help. Despite the time and effort required, honey extraction is a rewarding process that allows us to enjoy one of nature’s most delectable and nutritious gifts.

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