What Time of Day Do Honey Bees Swarm?

Swarming is nature's way of reproducing and expanding bee colonies. When a colony becomes too large or overcrowded, the bees create a new queen and split into two groups. One group will stay in the original hive, while the other group, led by the old queen, will search for a new home.

Understanding the timing of honey bee swarming can be valuable for beekeepers and those interested in the fascinating world of bees.

swarming honeybees

What Time Do Bees Usually Swarm?

Honey bees typically swarm during the mid-morning to late afternoon, usually between 10 am and 2 pm. This timing is determined by the ambient temperature and weather conditions, which all create optimal conditions for bees to swarm. Swarming usually occurs during the warm, dry days of spring and early summer when nectar and pollen are abundant for the bees.

Factors Influencing Swarming Time


Honey bees are sensitive to temperature changes and are more likely to swarm when the day is warm and calm. Swarming typically occurs during the spring and early summer months when the weather is consistently warm and flowers are in bloom. Rainy or cold days can delay or prevent swarming, as honey bees prefer to swarm when it’s dry and warm outside.


Honey bees have a close relationship with sunlight. They are generally diurnal creatures, which means they are active during the day and rest at night. The presence of sunlight serves as a cue for the bees to start their daily activities, including foraging for food, and potentially swarming. Sunlight can stimulate bee activity as the light signals the presence of flowering plants, a primary food source. Also, in terms of swarming, sunlight offers optimal visibility for the swarm to navigate and scout bees to look for new hive locations.


Humidity plays a significant role in bee behavior, including swarming. High humidity levels can make the air feel denser and make flight more difficult for the bees, discouraging swarming activity. Additionally, high humidity can influence the availability and quality of nectar and pollen, which are critical food sources for bees. During periods of high humidity, flowers may produce less nectar, or the nectar may be more diluted, thus providing less energy for the bees. This could discourage swarming as the bees would need sufficient energy reserves to establish a new colony.


Wind conditions also play a role in honey bee swarming. Strong winds can make flight difficult, potentially hazardous, and thus bees are less likely to swarm under such conditions. A windy environment could blow a swarm off course or scatter it, reducing the likelihood that the swarm could successfully establish a new colony. Therefore, calm, windless days are more conducive to swarming activity.

Nectar Flow

Nectar flow refers to the times when flowers are producing nectar, which bees gather and convert into honey. These periods often align with the blooming periods of certain plants and are typically influenced by seasonal and weather patterns. An abundant nectar flow is a sign of plentiful resources, which is one of the conditions that can trigger swarming. It’s during these periods that the hive can build up ample honey stores, which are necessary for the survival of both the old and new colonies.

Furthermore, bees’ activity levels are high during peak nectar flow times, increasing the likelihood of swarming. Therefore, the timing and intensity of nectar flows can influence when during the day honey bees swarm.

Peak Swarming Hours

Swarming is most likely to occur during the late morning and early afternoon hours, usually between 10 am and 2 pm. This time of the day is ideal because temperatures are generally warm and more stable, and the sun is shining, providing optimal flying conditions for bees.

What Are the Signs That a Colony Is Preparing to Swarm?

Bee swarming is a natural process wherein a portion of the honey bee colony leaves with the old queen to establish a new colony elsewhere. This generally happens in the spring and early summer when resources are abundant, but it can also occur at other times if conditions are right.

Here are some signs that a bee colony may be preparing to swarm:

  1. Queen Cells: The most definite sign of a pending swarm is the presence of queen cells. These are large, peanut-shaped cells usually found hanging down from the bottom of the comb. They are where new queens are raised and are usually a clear sign that the hive is preparing to swarm.
  2. Increased Drone Population: Drones are male bees whose primary function is to mate with a new queen. You might notice an increased number of drones or drone cells, which are larger than worker bee cells and have a domed appearance.
  3. Busy Hive Entrance: The activity at the entrance of the hive may increase as the bees prepare to swarm. The workers may be seen coming and going more frequently as they increase their gathering of resources.
  4. Congesting Brood Nest: If the brood nest is getting congested, it can be a sign that the hive is preparing to swarm. The queen needs space to lay eggs, and if she’s running out of room, it’s a signal for the colony to prepare to swarm.
  5. Restless Behavior: The bees may start acting more restless and you may notice more agitation within the hive.
  6. Pre-Swarm Clustering: In the days leading up to the swarm, the bees may form a cluster or ball outside the hive. This is usually the old queen and about half of the workers preparing to leave the hive.

Managing Swarming for Beekeepers

For beekeepers, it’s essential to monitor and manage swarming to ensure the health of their colonies and maximize honey production. By understanding the factors that influence swarming, and the typical swarming hours, beekeepers can take preventive measures, such as providing enough space for the bees to grow, adding extra supers, and regularly inspecting the hives for signs of swarming. If beekeepers detect that a colony is preparing to swarm, they can implement swarm control techniques, like creating an artificial swarm or requeening the hive.

Sometimes, despite your best effort, the bees swarm anyway. They often settle on a nearby tree but will also rest on a fence or even a car. The good news is, as the beekeeper, you can recapture this swarm and take it back to your apiary. All you need is an empty hive or nuc, a few drawn frames, your bee suit, and some patience.


Swarming is a fascinating and essential aspect of their life cycle. By understanding the factors that influence swarming, a beekeeper can either prevent swarming or capture a swarm. If you’re not a beekeeper, watching a swarm in flight is the definition of awesome. It should be one of the wonders of the world.

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