Feeding Bees in Winter

feeding bees in winter

How to Feed Bees in Winter​

Even though bees are self-sustainable by producing their own food, they still sometimes require our help. During winter, you might notice that your colony’s honey supply is low. This can happen especially during particularly long, cold winters.

If you do notice a low supply, it’s crucial to feed your bees. But how do you do that? What should they eat? Keep reading to learn how to feed your bees during the winter.

Varroa Mite Treatment for Bees

Varroa Mite Treatment

Varroa Mite Treatment for Bees

If you’re a honeybee farmer, Varroa mites are a problem you will inevitably have to face, along with other interfering insects such as moths, ants and beetles. If you’re worried about your hive, or you’re dealing with a Varroa mite problem right now, don’t panic. The thought of an infected hive is unpleasant, but there are simple ways to solve this.

How to Use and Maintain a Pollen Trap

how to use pollen traps

How to Use and Maintain Pollen Traps

I don’t have to explain that honey is all the rage—it has been since the dawn of time. It’s not the only product we can collect from bees, though. Pollen is valuable in its own right and is worth some attention too.

While not an essential piece of beekeeping equipment, you can harvest your own pollen by making use of a pollen trap. They’re easy to install and use, but will require a fair amount of work on your part. At the end of the day, regardless of maintenance, pollen traps serve as a rewarding tool in your beekeeping.

What Is a Honey Refractometer and Do You Use One?

Honey Refractometer

Honey Refractometers​ and How to Use Them

Honey harvesting is a large part of beekeeping. It’s one of the most popular reasons why people choose to become beekeepers. Although it’s not the most complicated hobby in the world, there is a science to collecting good, consumable honey.

Mason Bee House Installation and Maintenance Guide

mason bee houses

Building and Maintaining a Mason Bee House​

Interest in mason bees has increased in the last few years, and more and more people have decided to manage them and keep a mason bee house. They are passive to the point that they are harmless, and they require very little attention from you.

How to Use a Honey Extractor

how to use a honey extractor

Honey Extractors​ and How to Use Them

Honey extractors can be an invaluable tool. Even though there’s some debate as to their necessity, they can improve your honey harvests if you use them as intended. They may seem like complicated pieces of machinery, but putting them to use is simpler than you might expect.

Don’t be intimidated by them. I’m going to show you how easy it is to use a honey extractor. Just as with other pieces of beekeeping equipment, you don’t need a degree in physics to understand them. You might build some muscle though, but who’s complaining about that?

How to Use a Bee Smoker Effectively

how to use a bee smoker

Using a Bee Smoker

In beekeeping, you’ll have to invest in a few tools that will help you manage your bees efficiently. One of the most important ones is the bee smoker. It’s a necessary tool in any beekeeper’s arsenal because it helps us keep our bees calm.

It puts us at less risk of being stung. If you’re keeping honeybees, this means that it also helps in keeping your bees alive. Let’s take a look at what bee smokers are, why they’re useful, and how you should be using yours.

Essential Beekeeping Equipment for Managing a Hive

beekeeping equipment

Essential Beekeeping Equipment​

Looking to start a hobbyist beekeeper career? Wondering what is the essential beekeeping equipment for getting started? What to invest in first? Options are plentiful and can seem overwhelming to inexperienced apiarists.

Luckily, caring for bees doesn’t have to be a daunting responsibility. Besides acquiring the bees themselves, there is a full set of equipment and tools recommended to grow a successful beehive colony. We’ll cover them all in detail.

Best Mason Bee Houses for Your Garden

best mason bee house

Best Mason Bee Houses​

Mason bees are not like honeybees—they’re a solitary species rather than social. However, they are great pollinators. Many farmers actually install a mason bee house to attract this hardworking bee, who gives back by pollinating their crops. If you have a garden full of vegetables and fruit trees, you could be the perfect landlord for a weary mason bee.

Best Beekeeper Suits​

best beekeeper suit

Best Beekeeping Suits

I’ve spent a lot of time on this site telling you that bees aren’t aggressive and won’t sting if you leave them alone. Unfortunately, beekeepers don’t have this luxury. While every effort is made to treat our bees with care, we handle them, and their hives, directly. Getting stung by your own bees is inevitable, and sore (no matter how many times it happens).