Carpenter Bees Nests: Appearance and Function

carpenter bee nest

A complete Guide to Carpenter Bee Nests​

Most people probably don’t want to think about carpenter bee nests. Still, knowing where to look, how to identify one, and what to do if you find one can be useful. Here you’ll learn what the exterior and interior of carpenter bees nests look like.

I’ll tell you where these bees commonly make their nests. You’ll also learn what to do in the event that you find a carpenter bee nest.

Life Cycle of A Honey Bee

honey bee life cycle

The Honey Bee Life Cycle​

​Most of us know that a honeybee produces honey. But would you like to learn more about the honeybee life cycle? I’ll cover how honeybees of all castes and genders mature. You’ll also learn how these insects reproduce, and the average lifespan of a honeybee.

Are Bees Insects? a Detailed Explanation

are bees insects

Are Bees a Type of Insect?​

If you ever wondered whether bees are insects or not, you’re about to find out. We’ll also give you several other snippets of information about these beneficial pollinators.

Additionally, we’ll compare bees to other types of insects that are similar to bees and help you discover how to differentiate between the two.

Why Do Honey Bees Swarm?

honey bee swarm

A Complete Guide to Honey Bee Swarms​

During springtime, a phenomenon of nature occurs in the bee’s world. These events are honeybee swarms and, unless you’re fully aware of what exactly is going on, they can be frightening, particularly if you suffer from apiphobia, the fear of bees.

Do Bees Fall Asleep? (A Detailed Explanation)

do bees sleep

Do Bees Sleep?​

Sleep seems essential for pretty much any species on earth—human or animal. Although there are those creatures that can do with very little. Our question today is about the bee: does a bee sleep and, if so, how and when?

Where Do Bumble Bees Live? (A Detailed Explanation)

Where Do Bumblebees Live

Where Do Bumble Bees Live?

The bumblebee is a sign of summer—buzzing around the garden, resting on clovers and flowers. Most of us already know that honeybees live in hives, but how can we find out where bumblebees live?

Carpenter Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

carpenter bees

Carpenter Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

I had mistaken carpenter bees for bumblebees all my life, and now I am endlessly fascinated by how blissfully unaware so many people are regarding this.

That’s no judgment on my part (obviously, since I was one of those people). I just want to clear the air. Carpenter bees are just as interesting and wonderful as their more popular counterparts. Here’s what you need, to be in the know.

Queen Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

queen bee

Queen Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

Queen bees have one of the most important roles in the colony. They’re the founders and main egg producers, ensuring the survival of the hive. The queen bee also faces a lot of threats, some of which include parasites, other queen bees, and even execution.

Killer Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

killer bee

Killer Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

Killer bees have quite an interesting past. In 1956, a colony of African honeybees was imported to Brazil. Brazilian beekeepers wanted to increase honey production and decided they would cross-breed the African honeybees with the local bees.

This proved to be a mistake, as 26 African honeybee queens escaped and mated with swarms of European worker bees. This mistake created the Africanized honeybee, also known as the killer bee.

Sweat Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

sweat bee

Sweat Bees: Appearance, Common Traits & Behavior

Sweat bees are an interesting species of bee. You may wonder where their name comes from—I can tell you, it’s not because they sweat. Sweat bees are very attracted to human perspiration—it’s actually a delicious snack for them.

Does that mean sweat bees are dangerous? Today we’ll answer that question, as well as everything else you need to know about them.