What is the Best Time of Day to Install Package Bees?

Package bees are a delicate foster swarm. They’ve been shaken into a container, given a new ‘mom’, set up with a little food, and sent across the country. Transitioning this group of bees into a permanent hive requires care and patience. As a new beekeeper, you want to avoid causing them unnecessary discomfort because they can leave.

Understanding Package Bees

Components of a Package

Package bees typically consist of several worker bees, a queen bee in a separate container, and syrup or food for the bees’ nourishment. The queen bee plays a crucial role, as she is responsible for the reproduction and healthy functioning of the entire colony.

Transportation and Storage

When you get your bees, keep them in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area before they are installed in the hive. If the queen has not been with the bees for about three days or if the weather is rainy, it’s advisable to wait until conditions improve.

Best Time of Day for Installation

The ideal time to install package bees into a new hive is late in the afternoon, as they will be calmer and more likely to settle in their new home during this time. Schedule the installation closer to sundown to limit the chance of the bees flying away and potentially abandoning the hive.

Installing the bees early in the evening has similar benefits, allowing them ample time to “bed in” before nightfall. Avoid installing the bees during rainy weather or when nighttime temperatures are expected to be below 35℉ for an extended period because they may not generate enough heat to survive.

Small-scale beekeepers with only one or two packages should be especially careful about evening installations, as bees are less likely to fly away, combine with other colonies, or reject their new home.

Factors Influencing Installation Time

Weather Conditions

Choosing a day with mild temperatures and avoiding rainy or windy days will ease the transition for the bees and the beekeeper. Avoid transferring them to a hive if the night temperatures are low. It’s a lot harder to keep warm in a hive than in the package they come in. If the spring weather is still chilly, you can install them in a nuc instead until they build their numbers.

Seasonal Variations

Other factors to consider for installing package bees are seasonal variations in climate and hive activity. Like weather conditions, the season affects the bees’ ability to adapt and perform efficiently. Early spring is the ideal time to start a colony, as bees have ample time to establish their hive, raise new bees, and store honey for the winter months. Furthermore, swarms and new queen bees are more readily available during these months.

Unfortunately, you might not have control over when you receive your bees. Depending on when you place your order, you may have packages arriving in the summer. The good news then is that it is warm enough to move them into a hive.


You should install package bees as soon as possible after their arrival. If installation is delayed, ensure the bees are placed in a cool, dark environment until the conditions are ideal for the transfer.

To summarize, following the recommended late afternoon or early evening installation time for package bees can contribute to a successful hive establishment. Taking these precautions and considering additional factors, such as weather conditions, will help beekeepers create a thriving environment for their new colony.

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