How Long Does It Take for Bees to Draw Comb?

When a swarm first finds a home, they need to work fast to take advantage of those spring blooms. They don’t last forever. For that reason, bees are wired to build comb pretty fast so the queen can lay eggs, providing the colony with the bee power it needs to collect and store nectar.

Comb building requires a lot of energy from the bee, which is replenished primarily by nectar. The more nectar available, the faster they build. In general, it takes between 7 days to 2 months for bees to produce honeycomb and fill it with honey, but there’s a little more to it than that. A populous established colony, during a strong honey flow, can achieve this task more quickly, while smaller and weaker colonies may take longer to build comb under similar conditions.

Let’s begin by diving a little deeper into what honeycomb is and does.

honey on hive board

Understanding Bee Comb Construction

Bee Anatomy and Comb Building

Honey bees are uniquely adapted for constructing honeycombs, with specialized body parts and behaviors. The worker bees have wax glands that secrete tiny wax flakes, which they manipulate using their mandibles to create hexagonal cells. Comb building requires significant energy and resources, so bees will often work together to produce and expand the comb structure efficiently.

Comb Purpose and Structure

The honeycomb serves multiple purposes within the bee colony. It acts as a storage site for honey and pollen, which is their food. The comb also serves as a nursery for developing larvae, ensuring the future of the hive. The unique hexagonal structure of the honeycomb offers both strength and efficiency, allowing the bees to maximize their use of limited space and resources.

Beekeepers can employ various methods to encourage faster comb building, such as providing the pre-made foundation, alternating old and new comb, and positioning the hive in areas with abundant nectar and pollen sources. 

Factors Affecting Comb Building Time

Hive Strength

A strong colony with an adequate number of worker bees is essential for efficient comb construction. A prolific queen will lay almost 2,000 eggs daily. If she keeps that up, what starts as a colony of 10 can grow to 5 or 8 times that size in a few months. The more bees there are, the more forage they can collect and the more comb they need, which keeps the comb-building cycle through the spring.

Availability of Nectar

To effectively create honeycomb, bees need access to a consistent source of nectar, which stimulates their wax glands. The availability of resources, such as a strong nectar flow or the use of light syrup in times of scarcity, can improve the comb-building process. Well-fed bees are known to be more productive and may take a shorter time to draw a frame.

Weather Conditions

Favorable weather conditions, like warm temperatures and an absence of strong winds or heavy rain, can facilitate faster comb construction as bees can forage for nectar unhindered.

Typical Time Frame for Comb Construction

Initial Comb Building

During the initial comb-building phase, it can generally take bees between 7 days to 2 months to build their honeycomb and fill it with honey. Factors impacting this timeline include the strength of the colony and the availability of nectar. A strong, established colony during a robust honey flow can make the process faster.

The actual process of drawing out a comb takes up to 7 days but can be expedited with a strong flow of nectar. Bees secrete wax to build honeycombs and need a lot of energy to do so, which is why they draw comb during a nectar flow in the spring.

Subsequent Comb Expansion

After the initial comb is built, subsequent comb expansion takes place more steadily. Over about four weeks, the number of bees in the colony will increase steadily, and they will start building more comb. However, comb expansion may not occur as quickly as during the initial construction process, as discussed in the Beesource Beekeeping Forums.

A very strong colony with plenty of food and young workers can draw out a shallow super, an additional comb layer, in as little as a week to 10 days.

How can a Beekeeper affect the rate bees build comb?

Beekeepers are responsible for providing bees with adequate resources to encourage comb building. They must ensure that the colony is healthy, well-nourished, and has access to nectar and pollen. By doing so, beekeepers can help expedite the comb building process. Monitor the hive’s growth and progression, adding more space as required so that the bees can expand their comb production. Space, in this case, is in the form of supers and frames.

Bees are not always enthusiastic about drawing comb on frames. However, this difficulty isn’t experienced with all colonies, so feel free to try any of the options available in the market.

Types of Frames and Foundations

Modern beekeeping utilizes a variety of frame and foundation options to suit different needs and preferences. Two common types of frames include:

  • Wooden frames: Often made of pine or cedar, these frames provide a secure and durable structure for bees to build their comb.
  • Plastic frames: Lightweight and easy to clean, plastic frames have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, some beekeepers argue that they may not be as suitable for bees to produce comb on as wooden alternatives.

Regarding foundations, beekeepers can opt for one of the following:

  • Wax foundation: Made of beeswax, this type of foundation allows bees to build their comb on a pre-formed structure. It helps stimulate comb production as bees can sense the presence of the wax and are encouraged to build upon it.
  • Plastic foundation: Similar in function to the wax foundation, plastic foundations provide bees with a pre-formed structure on which to build their comb. However, some debate exists within the beekeeping community regarding which type of foundation is most efficient and effective for comb production.
  • Foundationless frames: Also known as ‘comb guide’ frames, these frames do not have a pre-formed foundation for bees to build on. Instead, they encourage bees to engage in natural comb building, resulting in more irregular but unique comb patterns.


The time it takes for bees to draw comb can vary depending on several factors. Every colony has its own pace, and certain conditions must be met for bees to build honeycombs successfully. 

If these conditions are not met, the bees may be unable to draw the comb effectively.

Beekeepers can encourage comb-building by feeding sugar syrup to the honey bees in the absence of a natural source of nectar. This practice can help the bees to build comb more efficiently and support their overall growth and health.

When managing a beehive, be patient. With proper care and management, a bee colony will eventually draw a comb and continue to grow.

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