What is the Best Wood to Make Beehives With?

When it comes to constructing beehives, all wood is not created equal. Several types of wood are commonly used for making beehives, each with unique characteristics that offer different advantages. This article will explore the best wood options for constructing beehives, considering factors such as region, availability, and ease of workability. With this information, beekeepers can make informed decisions when building their beehives.

Types of Wood for Beehives


Pine is one of the most popular choices for making beehives due to its affordability and availability in North America and Europe. It’s relatively inexpensive and easy to work with because it’s a softwood. If perfect for the novice carpenter just starting with a beehive as a project. Good select-grade premium pine is the best choice for beehives. 


Cedar is another type of wood often used for constructing beehives. It is durable and has a natural resistance to decay and insects. However, cedar can be more expensive than pine, making it a less accessible option for some beekeepers. Cedar, along with pine, is a common wood material for beekeeping equipment. Western Red Cedar is popular in the USA due to its widespread availability.


Cypress is less appealing than pine because it grows slowly. However, the time pays off because it results in wood with tight growth rings. The resulting dense timber is rot-resistant. In addition to that, it contains cypressene, a natural sap-type oil produced by cypress trees that acts as both a preservative and insect deterrent. When it comes to durability, this tree is the one to beat.


Fir is not frequently mentioned as a primary choice for beehives. It is, however, a softwood-like pine and might be an option in areas where pine is not readily available.


While plywood might initially seem like an affordable alternative for beehives, it is not recommended. Solid wood, such as pine or cedar, is a better option for durability and overall performance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Wood


Durability is essential for beehives, as the wood must withstand rain, sleet, snow, and even the blazing sun. It’s also exposed to damage from pests. Choose a wood that is naturally resistant to decay and rot.


Cost is another significant factor when choosing wood for a beehive. Pine is generally more affordable and readily available compared to other options like cypress or cedar. However, investing in more durable timber can save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance and replacement costs.


Sustainability is crucial for beekeepers who want to minimize their environmental impact. The wood should be sourced from responsibly managed forests, ensuring the supply chain is environmentally friendly. Additionally, consider the carbon footprint of transporting the wood and, when possible, choose local materials to reduce emissions.


Some types of wood would still make magnificent beehives but are cumbersome to work with when dry. Eucalyptus and Black lotus trees are two examples of these. Though these are sturdy, they are almost impenetrable when they are dry. For a simple home-based operation, you are better off with softwoods that allow you to hammer and shape without industrial-level equipment.

When selecting wood for your beehive, it’s essential to consider factors such as durability, availability, and workability. Pine and cypress are popular choices, but other woods like cedar, spruce, and fir may also be suitable. It is crucial to source high-quality wood that will ensure a long-lasting and functional beehive for your honeybees.

Finding Wood Sources

To find the best wood sources for your beehive, start by contacting local sawmills or lumber suppliers, as many of them are likely to have the aforementioned types of wood in stock. Alternatively, consider checking online retailers, as they commonly offer a wider range of choices and deliver to your doorstep.

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