When to Feed Bees Pollen Patties: Optimal Timing Guide

When to Feed Bees Pollen Patties

Feeding bees pollen patties is an essential practice in beekeeping that helps support the health and longevity of a colony. Pollen patties provide bees with the necessary proteins and nutrients when natural pollen sources are scarce. Knowing the correct time to feed your bees pollen patties can help maintain a strong and thriving colony.

When to Add a Second Honey Super to Your Hive

When to Add a Second Honey Super to Your Hive

Life would be so much easier if we could stack all the supers onto the hive at the beginning of the season. Unfortunately, bees don’t work that way. Even in a hollow tree, bees will construct comb as their numbers increase to ensure they can patrol the hive effectively and keep pests out. That’s why many new beekeepers ask when to add a second super.

If added too early, it is frustrating to the beekeeper because it seems the bees have refused to move up. If added too late, the bees feel overcrowded, which could trigger swarming. The timing impacts the colony’s expansion and honey production.

When is the Best Time of Year to Start a Beehive?

When is the Best Time of Year to Start a Beehive?

The best time of the year to start beekeeping depends on the life cycle of a colony. Just like individual bees go through a period of growth and reproduction, so does a colony, which is a superorganism.

For the beekeeper, the ideal time to get a colony is when colonies are naturally reproducing, known as swarming. The time of the year this occurs varies in different parts of the world, but it is characterized by the same thing, which is resource availability.

What to Do with Frames and Supers After Extracting Honey

What to Do with Frames and Supers After Extracting Honey

Figuring out what to do with your empty supers can be a headache. They are bulky and can attract insects. Old honeycombs will attract and be destroyed by wax moths, so what do you do with them?

This article will discuss essential steps beekeepers can take to clean, store, and reuse frames and supers after honey extraction. Let’s start with getting them clean.

What Should You Wear Under a Bee Suit?

What Should You Wear Under a Bee Suit?

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a beekeeper, bee stings are painful and distracting. Unfortunately, so is heat, which is part of the package during the busiest beekeeping season. Striking the balance between sting protection and temperature regulation is tricky when choosing your beekeeping wardrobe. Different beekeepers have various preferences, but some key guidelines can help make an informed decision.

What is the Difference Between a Package of Bees and a Nuc?

What is the Difference Between a Package of Bees and a Nuc?

There are three ways to get into beekeeping. First, nature can provide a homeless swarm that you capture and house. That’s the budget-friendly option. The second is to buy a package of bees from a supplier, which is still a homeless swarm when it gets to you, but you need to part with some money. The third is a nuc, the bee equivalent of an RV, where the swarm has a small home in which they begin multiplying their numbers. When the bees outgrow the nuc, you house them in a normal-sized hive.

This article will discuss the last two options, packages and nucs. Understanding the differences between package bees and nucs can help you make the best choice for your beekeeping needs, ensuring a thriving and productive hive.

What is the Difference Between a Brood Box and a Super?

What is the Difference Between a Brood Box and a Super?

The wonderful thing about beekeeping is the precision used to name various beekeeping implements. A hive tool is a tool you use in a hive. A smoker is a tool you use to produce smoke. In this article, we will help you understand two components whose names don’t immediately advertise what they are about, but it’s not complicated. Whether you intend to keep bees for honey or leisure, the brood box and super will be part of your beekeeping experience.

What is the Best Wood to Make Beehives With?

What is the Best Wood to Make Beehives With?

When it comes to constructing beehives, all wood is not created equal. Several types of wood are commonly used for making beehives, each with unique characteristics that offer different advantages. This article will explore the best wood options for constructing beehives, considering factors such as region, availability, and ease of workability. With this information, beekeepers can make informed decisions when building their beehives.

What is the Best Time of Day to Install Package Bees?

What is the Best Time of Day to Install Package Bees?

Package bees are a delicate foster swarm. They’ve been shaken into a container, given a new ‘mom’, set up with a little food, and sent across the country. Transitioning this group of bees into a permanent hive requires care and patience. As a new beekeeper, you want to avoid causing them unnecessary discomfort because they can leave.

What is the Best Time of Day to Harvest Honey?

What is the Best Time of Day to Harvest Honey?

Honey harvesting is one of the sweet rewards of beekeeping, with timing playing a crucial role in the quality and quantity of honey collected. The best time of day to harvest honey varies depending on factors such as location, climate, and the specific season.

The most active honey-producing months in the United States are usually June, July, and August. However, this can differ depending on the region and its climate. For example, in tropical areas, bees tend to produce honey year-round, whereas, in temperate climates, the honey flow is heavily influenced by the blooming patterns of local flowers. Before we look into the best time of day to harvest, let’s delve a little deeper into the process of harvesting.